21 research outputs found

    Changes of water clarity in large lakes and reservoirs across China observed from long-term MODIS

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    Water clarity is a well-established first-order indicator of water quality and has been used globally by water regulators in their monitoring and management programs. Assessments of water clarity in lakes over large temporal and spatial scales, however, are rare, limiting our understanding of its variability and the driven forces. In this study, we developed and validated a robust Secchi disk depth (ZSD) algorithm for lakes across China based on two water color parameters, namely Forel-Ule Index (FUI) and hue angle α, retrieved from MODIS data. The MODIS ZSD model shows good results when compared with in-situ measurements from 17 lakes, with a 27.4% mean relative difference (MRD) in the validation dataset. Compared with other empirical ZSD models, our FUI and α-based model demonstrates improved performance and adaptability over a wide range of water clarity and trophic states. This algorithm was subsequently applied to MODIS measurements to provide a comprehensive assessment of water clarity in large lakes (N = 153) across China for the first time. The mean summer ZSD of the studied lakes between 2000 and 2017 demonstrated marked spatial and temporal variations. Spatially, the ZSD of large lakes presented a distinct spatial pattern of “high west and low east” over China. This spatial pattern was found to be associated with the significant differences in lake depth and altitude between west and east China while China's population, GDP, temperature, and precipitation distribution have also contributed to a certain extent. Temporally, the ZSD of most lakes increased during this period, with an overall mean rate of 3.3 cm/yr for all lakes. Here, 38.6% (N = 59) of the lakes experienced a significant increase in their ZSD value during the past 18 years while only 8.5% (N = 13) showed a significant decreasing trend. Significant increases in lake ZSD were observed in west China, which were found to correlate with the increase of air temperature and lake surface area. This is possibly a response of the lakes in west China to climate change. In the lake systems of east China, which are predominately used as a drinking water source, the increase in lake ZSD was found to be strongly correlated with changes in local GDP (gross domestic production), NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and lake surface area, suggesting a combined effect of the implemented management practices and climatic variability. The results of this study provide important information for water quality conservation and management in China, and also highlight the value of satellite remote sensing in monitoring water quality over lakes at a large scale and long-term

    Trophic state assessment of global inland waters using a MODIS-derived Forel-Ule index

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    Eutrophication of inland waters is considered a serious global environmental problem. Satellite remote sensing (RS) has been established as an important source of information to determine the trophic state of inland waters through the retrieval of optically active water quality parameters such as chlorophyll-a (Chl-a). However, the use of RS techniques for assessment of the trophic state of inland waters on a global scale is hindered by the performance of retrieval algorithms over highly dynamic and complex optical properties that characterize many of these systems. In this study, we developed a new RS approach to assess the trophic state of global inland water bodies based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery and the Forel-Ule index (FUI). First, the FUI was calculated from MODIS data by dividing natural water colour into 21 indices from dark blue to yellowish-brown. Then the relationship between FUI and the trophic state index (TSI) was established based on in-situ measurements and MODIS products. The water-leaving reflectance at 645 nm band was employed to distinguish coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM)-dominated systems in the FUI-based trophic state assessment. Based on the analysis, the FUI-based trophic state assessment method was developed and applied to assess the trophic states of 2058 large inland water bodies (surface area >25 km2) distributed around the world using MODIS data from the austral and boreal summers of 2012. Our results showed that FUI can be retrieved from MODIS with a considerable accuracy (92.5%, R2 = 0.92) by comparing with concurrent in situ measurements over a wide range of lakes, and the overall accuracy of the FUI-based trophic state assessment method is 80.0% (R2 = 0.75) validated by an independent dataset. Of the global large water bodies considered, oligotrophic large lakes were found to be concentrated in plateau regions in central Asia and southern South America, while eutrophic large lakes were concentrated in central Africa, eastern Asia, and mid-northern and southeast North America

    Evaluation of Six Satellite Precipitation Products over the Chinese Mainland

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    Satellite precipitation products have been applied to many research fields due to their high spatial and temporal resolution. However, satellite inversion of precipitation is indirect, and different inversion algorithms limit the accuracy of the measurement results, which leads to great uncertainty. Therefore, it is of great significance to quantify and record the error characteristics of different satellite precipitation products for their better application in hydrology and other research fields. In this study, based on CN05.1, which is a set of site–based interpolation data, we evaluated the accuracies of the six satellite precipitation datasets (IMERG–E, IMERG–L, IMERG–F, GSMaP, CMORPH, and PERSIANN–CDR) at different temporal scales (daily, monthly, and yearly) in mainland China for the period from 2001 to 2015. The results were as follows: (1) In terms of mean precipitation, IMERG–F was superior to other data in all areas. IMERG products and PERANN–CDR performed better than other products at all scales and were more suitable for precipitation research in mainland China. Site correction can effectively improve the accuracy of product inversion, so IMERG–F was significantly better than IMERG–E and IMERG–L. (2) Except PERSIANN–CDR, all precipitation products underestimated precipitation in the range of 1–4 mm/day and had a high coincidence with CN05.1 in the range of 4–128 mm/day. (3) The performance of six types of satellite precipitation products in summer was better than that in winter. However, the error was larger in seasons with more precipitation. (4) In the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, where there are few stations, the inversion of precipitation by satellite products is closer to the actual situation, which is noteworthy. These results help users understand the characteristics of these products and improve algorithms for future algorithm developers

    Recognition of Water Colour Anomaly by Using Hue Angle and Sentinel 2 Image

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    As polluted water bodies are often small in area and widely distributed, performing artificial field screening is difficult; however, remote-sensing-based screening has the advantages of being rapid, large-scale, and dynamic. Polluted water bodies often show anomalous water colours, such as black, grey, and red. Therefore, the large-scale recognition of suspected polluted water bodies through high-resolution remote-sensing images and water colour can improve the screening efficiency and narrow the screening scope. However, few studies have been conducted on such kinds of water bodies. The hue angle of a water body is a parameter used to describe colour in the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) colour space. Based on the measured data, the water body with a hue angle greater than 230.958° is defined as a water colour anomaly, which is recognised based on the Sentinel-2 image through the threshold set in this study. The results showed that the hue angle of the water body was extracted from the Sentinel-2 image, and the accuracy of the hue angle calculated by the in situ remote-sensing reflectance Rrs (λ) was evaluated, where the root mean square error (RMSE) and mean relative error (MRE) were 4.397° and 1.744%, respectively, proving that this method is feasible. The hue angle was calculated for a water colour anomaly and a general water body in Qiqihar. The water body was regarded as a water colour anomaly when the hue angle was >230.958° and as a general water body when the hue angle was ≤230.958°. High-quality Sentinel-2 images of Qiqihar taken from May 2016 to August 2019 were chosen, and the position of the water body remained unchanged; there was no error or omission, and the hue angle of the water colour anomaly changed obviously, indicating that this method had good stability. Additionally, the method proposed is only suitable for optical deep water, not for optical shallow water. When this method was applied to Xiong’an New Area, the results showed good recognition accuracy, demonstrating good universality of this method. In this study, taking Qiqihar as an example, a surface survey experiment was conducted from October 14 to 15, 2018, and the measured data of six general and four anomalous water sample points were obtained, including water quality terms such as Rrs (λ), transparency, water colour, water temperature, and turbidity

    Performance of Seven Land Surface Schemes in the WRFv4.3 Model for Simulating Precipitation in the Record‐Breaking Meiyu Season Over the Yangtze–Huaihe River Valley in China

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    Abstract In 2020, the Yangtze–Huai river valley (YHRV) experienced the highest record‐breaking Meiyu season since 1961, which was mainly characterized by the longest duration of precipitation lasting from early‐June to mid‐July, with frequent heavy rainstorms that caused severe flooding and deaths in China. Many studies have investigated the causes of this Meiyu season and its evolution, but the accuracy of precipitation simulations has received little attention. It is important to provide more accurate precipitation forecasts to help prevent and reduce flood disasters, thereby facilitating the maintenance of a healthy and sustainable earth ecosystem. In this study, we determined the optimal scheme among seven land surface model (LSMs) schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting model for simulating the precipitation in the Meiyu season during 2020 over the YHRV region. We also investigated the mechanisms in the different LSMs that might affect precipitation simulations in terms of water and energy cycling. The results showed that the simulated amounts of precipitation were higher under all LSMs than the observations. The main differences occurred in rainstorm areas (>12 mm/day), and the differences in low rainfall areas were not significant (<8 mm/day). Among all of the LSMs, the Simplified Simple Biosphere (SSiB) model obtained the best performance, with the lowest root mean square error and the highest correlation. The SSiB model even outperformed the Bayesian model averaging result. Finally, some factors responsible for the differences modeling results were investigated to understand the related physical mechanism

    MODIS-Based Radiometric Color Extraction and Classification of Inland Water With the Forel-Ule Scale: A Case Study of Lake Taihu

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    Serious difficulties are present in the application of remote sensing techniques for optically complex waters, as retrieval of water quality parameters is generally based on detailed local knowledge of optical properties of water bodies for specific areas and at specific times. Water color is measured in traditional water quality observations and characterized by the Forel-Ule scale, as it is intimately related to water compositions. In this paper, a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) based water color extraction and classification approach is developed and applied to Lake Taihu. By using MODIS data together with field data, we attempted to 1) retrieve the dominant wavelength of water color and classify water color into FU-classes; 2) analyze the relationship between water color dominant wavelength and the abundance of optically active component (OACs) in water; and 3) discover seasonal variations of water color based on Lake Taihu. Our results show that the dominant wavelength exhibits some relationship with the three types of OAC concentrations under certain conditions, particularly TSM and Chl-a; inorganic suspended matter (ISM) can be retrieved by using MODIS derived dominant wavelength in appropriate water body. Moreover, differences in water quality for different seasons can be detected by dominant wavelength and FU-class with some prior knowledge of the studied water. Therefore, dominant wavelength may be used as a comprehensive and promising indicator of water quality situation even though much work has to be done in the future to optimize the analyses and verify it on diverse sites

    Modification of 6SV to remove skylight reflected at the air-water interface: Application to atmospheric correction of Landsat 8 OLI imagery in inland waters.

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    During the atmospheric correction of remote sensing data in inland waters, the original Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum-Vector version (6SV) model does not eliminate the specular reflection of downward skylight radiance at the air-water interface. Thus, we propose a modified version of the 6SV model (M6SV) that does remove reflected skylight at the air-water interface. We apply the new model to the atmospheric correction of a Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) image over Taihu Lake, China, where the aerosol optical depth is known. In situ reflectance measurements acquired concurrently with the L8/OLI image are used to validate the performance of the new M6SV algorithm. To further analyze the merits and demerits of M6SV, the model is compared with two short-wave infrared (SWIR)-based atmospheric correction models: the Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor Data Analysis System short-wave infrared (SD-SWIR) model and the Vanhellemont & Ruddick short-wave infrared with a per scene fixed aerosol type (VR-SWIR-F) model. Comparisons of results from all three L8/OLI image atmospheric corrections with the in situ remote sensing reflectance data show that M6SV produces reliable atmospheric corrections in the green and red spectral bands and is an effective alternative for Landsat 8 OLI atmospheric correction in inland waters

    Polarization-insensitive wide-angle multiband metamaterial absorber with a double-layer modified electric ring resonator array

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    In this letter, we report the design, demonstration and discussion of a multi- and broad- band metamaterial absorber (MMA) with wide angle polarization insensitive at microwave region. The MMA consisting of double layered electric ring resonator (ERR) with four fold rotational symmetry structure is used to realize a desirable absorption. Strong triple absorption peaks in 2∌8 GHz and broadband microwave absorption in 10∌18 GHz are demonstrated. The absorption can be reached as high as 0.73, 0.73 and 0.94 at 4.41, 5.15, 6.37 GHz, respectively. The multiband absorbing features originate from the synergetic effects of dipole resonance and Fabry-PĂ©rot interference between two or three metasurfaces. This design is of high practical for constructing broad band and multiband absorber for electromagnetic intereference/compatibility (EMI/EMC) applications